Fall ’22 ORC Week 2: Builder Basic Be Gone

Fall ’22 ORC Week 2: Builder Basic Be Gone

Here we are in week two already of the One Room Challenge.

I basically just decided two minutes ago to do this challenge so don’t expect much progress on the powder room just yet…

One Room Challenge Jana Donohoe Designs

Let’s talk a little bit about the design plan.

I am 100% going to wallpaper the space. This I know! I am still trying to decide which wallpaper and style I want.

This is the first room in our entire builder white house that is getting any attention. So… I need to think carefully about how I want the rest of the spaces to flow.

I’ve ordered samples and am waiting for them to arrive to make the final decision. Take a look at my top picks so far. Which one would you pick?

Jana Donohoe Designs Wallpaper Options Interior Design

Before the wallpaper can be installed I have to deal with a new-to-me situation.

Here in Colorado, I guess it’s a thing to have textured walls?! I have never in my life had textured walls. Why is this even a thing?? I despise them so much.

In order for the wallpaper to be installed correctly, we will have to have the walls skim-coated and smoothed out. Not only does this add time but it also adds another layer of costs.

I don’t have the time, patience, or skills to smooth walls out. Therefore, I have called the professionals to help get our walls wallpaper ready.

We are on their schedule but this won’t happen for a couple more weeks. I’m actually lucky I got on anyone’s schedule this last minute! In the meantime, we plan and prepare.

Depending on the wallpaper I decide to go with. I may add some paneled molding like I did here for my ORC hallway makeover in NC. Wainscoting or board and batten are such a great way to add some architectural interest—which this new house is lacking.

Wainscoting Interior Design Jana Donohoe Designs

Hopefully next week I will have the final design plan figured out.

I still need to find a new vanity light, an awesome new mirror, and some fun artwork.


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