Week 2.
Hello and welcome to (oh my goodness) week 2 of the One Room Challenge. How is it week 2 already?
Don’t worry if you missed week one, you can catch up here.
I’m feeling a bit stressed y’all. This foyer and hallway still have a long journey ahead. This might not be the largest real estate in my house but detail work takes time! The moulding work is progressing but ultimately the project is running a few days behind my ideal schedule.
To add to my stress level I’m leaving for High Point Furniture Market tomorrow and I also have another trip at the end of April planned. (Eck! Breathing in brown paper bag right now.) Not a good time to be gone but life has to go on.
Last week I gave you a brief idea of what my plan was with adding the moulding. It has taken a bit of figuring out and lots of math to determine each panel section, plus having plaster walls that are not flush and 9 doors in this hallway added a layer of complication. I think we finally have it figured out though.
In addition to the wall moulding I also added in some moulding detail on the ceiling that I think is really going to add to the overall design plan. I decided to break the ceiling up in sections which I felt with as long as the hallway is, will really help pause the eye to take in the space instead of immediately going to the bazillion doors I have at the end of the hallway.
Ceiling detail
This looks so yellow. :/
The good news about doing a foyer and hallway is that I don’t have to figure out furniture but I do need a ton of artwork to fill 37’ of wall space. What did I tell you last week? …it’s a bowling alley.
Let’s take a look at my vision board. Keep in mind that I am heading to the largest furniture market for 5 days -I reserve the right to change my mind?
First off let’s say goodbye to the current boob light’s. I know they are an inexpensive light option (for good reason) but please just say no to the boob light!
This last week I have spent countless hours searching for the perfect light fixtures only to have it on back order for 5-6 weeks or more. See why this 6 week timeline is tough? I’ve had to revise my lighting a half dozen times. I’m really excited to get the beautiful crystal and aged brass semi flush installed in my foyer. The drum shade light fixture will be down my hallway.
The black and white lines image will be my wallpaper, applied above the chair rail down the hallway. If you follow my style you know I’m a sucker for black and white with pops of color. This was another item I had to re-select a few times because of back orders. As you can see I need a truck load of artwork. I will also be adding in some family photos to the mix.
The foyer has not received any love, yet. Hopefully that will be done next week to show you. If you follow my instagram stories you may have seen a poll about whether I should take out my coat closet or leave it alone. 67% voted to leave it and 33% said take it out. Stay tuned for what I decided next week.
Be sure to check out the other great participants posts here. My oh my inspiration for days (literally).
Before I go, I just want to wish my daughter a happy 8th birthday today. Here she is enjoying her room I did for the fall ’17 one room challenge.
Thank you all for reading! I appreciate you and hope you will enjoy following along as I show you step by step the process I am going through to redo my hallway and foyer for the #OneRoomChallenge. You can follow along too, on the tag, #Spring2018ORC, online.
And, if you haven’t yet, I invite you to subscribe to my blog and connect with me on Instagram here.
Please be sure to comment below. I’d love to hear from you.